Causes of a Constantly Running Air Conditioner

November 3, 2023
A man with a beard is thinking with his hand on his chin.

Air conditioning units that are constantly running can cause concern, leading to higher energy bills. It may also indicate underlying problems with your cooling system. This blog details common causes of a constantly running AC and the potential solutions to these issues.

Wrong Size Unit

When an AC unit is too small for the space it's trying to cool, it can't effectively reach the optimal temperature. This occurs because the undersized unit cannot remove heat from the room quickly enough. As a result, it continuously runs in an attempt to reach the set temperature, causing extra strain on the unit.

Conversely, if an AC unit is too large for the space, it may cool the room rapidly but shut off before adequately dehumidifying the air. This leaves the room feeling clammy and uncomfortable, prompting the AC to turn on again quickly, causing frequent cycling that strains the compressor and increases energy costs.

In both scenarios, the wrong size unit results in suboptimal performance, excessive energy consumption, and reduced AC lifespan. To ensure efficient cooling and prevent a constantly running AC, it's essential to calculate the correct BTU capacity based on the room's size, insulation, and other factors to match the unit's cooling power with the cooling demand effectively.

Clogged Air Filter

An air filter's primary function is to trap dust, dirt, pollen, and other particles from entering the AC system. Over time, these contaminants accumulate, blocking the filter's pores. This accumulation restricts the flow of air into the system.

The restricted airflow caused by a clogged filter means that the AC system has to work harder to draw in enough air to cool your space. This extra effort results in reduced cooling efficiency because the system can't generate and circulate cool air as effectively as it should.

The AC system contains various components, including the compressor and condenser, that generate heat while operating. When the system's airflow is restricted, these components can overheat as they struggle to dissipate the heat, potentially causing damage to the AC unit.

Dirty Coils

Both the evaporator coils inside your home and the condenser coils outside can become dirty over time. Dirty coils reduce heat transfer efficiency, making your AC run longer to achieve the desired cooling effect. Professional coil cleaning services can help ensure that your AC's coils are free from dirt and debris, improving its efficiency.

Clogged Ductwork 

Ductwork issues can contribute to constant AC operation. If there are leaks or blockages in your ducts, conditioned air may not reach its intended destination, causing your AC to run continuously to compensate for the loss. If you think this is an issue for your home, have an HVAC professional inspect your ductwork for leaks and blockages. Sealing ducts and ensuring proper airflow can help your AC system work more efficiently.

Refrigerant Issues

Low refrigerant levels due to leaks or improper charging can cause your AC to run constantly. When refrigerant levels are low, the system can't remove heat efficiently. If you suspect a refrigerant issue, contact an HVAC technician to inspect and repair any leaks or recharge the refrigerant to the correct level.

Closed or Blocked Vents

Closing or blocking vents in specific rooms can disrupt the balance of airflow throughout your home. This can lead to some areas being too warm, prompting the AC to run continuously to try to cool them down. Ensure all vents are open and unblocked to allow for proper air circulation throughout your home.

Regular maintenance and timely addressing of these issues are key to improving the efficiency of your AC system, reducing energy consumption, and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. Consulting with Drain Right Services is advisable for accurate diagnosis and effective solutions to these problems. Contact us now to get started.

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